Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life Is Quite The Highway . . .

I know it's been a while since I've posted.

Life is definately passing by quickly lately.

I hardly see my husband. I could be over-exagerating this, but really. We will go days with only seeing eachother for about five minutes a day, if even at all. As I get home from work, he is leaving, and I leave again in the evening before he is home. We sometimes manage to catch up on what's going on in our lives with a phone call to and from places, and that's only if I'm lucky enough to catch him between phone calls to his customers.

And the days we DO manage to be able to spend together, we manage to find some friends to make plans with, or find something that needs to be done around the house.

Not that getting things done and spending time with friends is a bad thing. I'm very thankful to have the friends I do to spend time with. I'm just saying . . .

This is the time of the year when I go into my 'woe is me' fit, when I get frustrated that I'm going to work and sleeping through the beautiful weather and all of the fun activities that accompany it. Dedicating two weekends a month to working manages to limit the 'play' time a little more than I like sometimes.

Thank goodness a lot of my friends have the same crazy schedules that I do, so that we can spend time together on a random Tuesday or Wednesday.

But I did not intend this to be a 'woe is me' kind of post.

I am thankful to even have a job, and one that I love on top of it.

I keep reminding myself that while others are spending time outside, I am spending my time bringing babies into the world.

Afterall, who is lucky enough to have a job that makes such a big impact in someone's life?!

I do, and it's really a pretty cool thing.

So . . . I do have a lot of things to post about, I just haven't managed to find the time to sit down and do it.

It's coming though, I promise. So stick with me.

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