Yes, it's true. I forgot to mention that we bought another new car a couple of weeks ago.
And yes, it's true that this is the second car we've bought in the last 4 months.
Normally, if I heard of someone buying two cars in that short of a time, I would secretly think "that must be nice."
So if that's what your first thought was, don't feel bad.
But trust me, we will have car payments coming out of our ears for the next million years (ok not really, but it will probably feel that way . . .)
We had been searching for a new car for Joel for quite a while actually. His SUV was starting to bite the dust . . . It had somewhere around 150,000 miles on it I believe and was starting to need some work. Things like the fact that it liked to completly shut down at traffic lights, not to mention the need for two new tires after a small mishap with a curb.
On top of this, it tended to eat gas like it was going out of style. It became a question of whether we should put some serious money into it, or start to look for something else.
It seemed to me that for someone who tends to drive a lot (like Joel), and with the gas prices doing what they are, it was becoming clear that the new car route was probably the way to go.
Plus, we figured that now is the time to have bills to pay, before some little kiddos come into the plan.
So we searched and searched, and after
quite a bit
of disagreements (details I won't even begin to go into), we found this.

A 2012 Honda Civic.
It's cute, it gets great gas mileage (up to 40 mpg on the highway), and most importantly . . . we both agreed that we liked it.
So because we tend to make impulsive decisions around here, as you probably know, we bought it.
So far it seems to be a good fit. Plus it's decked out with all sorts of blue tooth and technology "things" . . . perfect for a tech-savy kind of guy.
So needless to say, we shouldn't be in the market for a new car for a very long time. But that's a good feeling at the same time, as you know my thoughts on car shopping . . .