Monday, May 16, 2011


Over the weekend, we were lucky enough to go on a mini road-trip with Joel's sister and husband, brother and girlfriend, other brother, and my sister.

Joel's sister, Krista, was gracious enough to plan a white water rafting trip for all of us. The whole weekend was tons of fun, as was the white water rafting (although I was terrified the entire time). But there will be more on that later, once we get more pictures back.

But on Friday afternoon, we traveled to a cabin that Krista was able to arrange and 'borrow.' It was a few miles outside of Leavenworth, and was beautiful!

That night, we ventured into Leavenworth.

Now I know that most people that live around here (or in the state of Washington really) have been to Leavenworth. Most of the time when I mention that I've never been, I seem to get the "are you kidding?!" response. Especially with our large German background, I felt like it was a place that I should have probably been sooner.

And after going, that's probably the case. I loved it! It was a cute little town, with tons of the little shops that I love. All full of random trinkets.

We also went out for a German dinner, in what I would imagine is a 'typical' German restaurant. There was even an accordian player taking requests.

Like I say, tons of fun. It was a really nice way to get away for a bit, really relax and have fun.

**Also, a very special birthday goes out today to my friend Jen!**

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