Phew . . .
We finally made it through all of those pictures. Quite a few, huh?
I do have to admit though, it is becoming quite convenient to have them all on here. This way, when people ask for pictures from the wedding, I can simply direct them here . . .
Anyway, it's time to move on. I figured our lives would 'slow down' somewhat after all of the wedding extravaganzas were over, but I was definately wrong. It's crazy how fast life flies by you. Between the everyday activities, trying to keep my house clean all of the time (one of my 'New Years Resolutions'), and some unexpected (but good) changes at work, I'm having a hard time believing it's February already.
But at the same time, I am finding myself enjoying every minute of it. It feels good to get back into somewhat of a 'routine,' and be able to sit and relax, or go to a hockey game without feeling guilty about not spending the time on wedding details.
So . . .
We finally made it through all of those pictures. Quite a few, huh?
I do have to admit though, it is becoming quite convenient to have them all on here. This way, when people ask for pictures from the wedding, I can simply direct them here . . .
Anyway, it's time to move on. I figured our lives would 'slow down' somewhat after all of the wedding extravaganzas were over, but I was definately wrong. It's crazy how fast life flies by you. Between the everyday activities, trying to keep my house clean all of the time (one of my 'New Years Resolutions'), and some unexpected (but good) changes at work, I'm having a hard time believing it's February already.
But at the same time, I am finding myself enjoying every minute of it. It feels good to get back into somewhat of a 'routine,' and be able to sit and relax, or go to a hockey game without feeling guilty about not spending the time on wedding details.
So . . .
On that note, I am completly going to change the subject.
As you obviously all know, the Superbowl was last weekend.
And, as you all know, we are very large Pittsburgh Steeler fans.
Because of this, there was no other way to celebrate the Superbowl than to obviously have a Superbowl party.
Normally such events take place at my parent's or Joel's parent's houses. But because of a small scuffle resulting in my parent's TV not receiving the FOX network (although they did get it back for the game, but that's a whole other story. . .) and because we actually have a house now (call me crazy, but I'm still getting used to the fact that we now actually have room to host people . . . nevermind that we've been in the house almost a year already . . .), we decided to have the party at our hosue this year.
And yes, the Steelers did end up loosing . . .
As you obviously all know, the Superbowl was last weekend.
And, as you all know, we are very large Pittsburgh Steeler fans.
Because of this, there was no other way to celebrate the Superbowl than to obviously have a Superbowl party.
Normally such events take place at my parent's or Joel's parent's houses. But because of a small scuffle resulting in my parent's TV not receiving the FOX network (although they did get it back for the game, but that's a whole other story. . .) and because we actually have a house now (call me crazy, but I'm still getting used to the fact that we now actually have room to host people . . . nevermind that we've been in the house almost a year already . . .), we decided to have the party at our hosue this year.
And yes, the Steelers did end up loosing . . .
. . . but it definately was NOT due to a lack of Steeler spirit in this neck of the woods.
But, with three TV's, we made sure that at any given angle in our kitchen and / or living room, a television could be seen.

Quite a few people ended up showing up. I had asked everyone to bring something to share, as well as contributing some items of my own to the pot. We definately had more food than anyone knew what to do with!
My very spirited cupcakes
We had our fair share of beverages as well . . .
My motto is always 'the more the merrier,' so I was glad everyone ended up coming. And by looking at the pictures, I think everyone ended up having a great time.
Looks like fun- sorry we missed it.