Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Few Surprises . . .

Valentines Day in our household was fairly eventful . . . more eventful than I had originally expected.

Joel and I weren't sure exactly what to do for our first Valentines Day as a married couple. We were both able to be together Monday evening (I didn't have to work, and Joel was able to be home right around 5:00), something that rarely happens in itself. So that was a good start.

We thought about going out to a fancy dinner. Sure it would be fun, but I wasn't so sure I felt like getting dressed up, nevermind paying an arm and a leg just because you are at a fancy place.

Another option was to stay at home, bring something to our house, possibly have some friends over, and play some games.

This definately sounded more like something I was up for. Sitting at home in my sweat pants sounded a lot more comfortable than getting dressed up and going out. We would get just as much great food for about a quarter of the price, and what is more fun than playing games with friends?

So I set out to make it a fun Valentines dinner. We asked Tommy and Terra to come over, and decided we would play Dominoes (one of my favorite games).

My next goal was to try to make this dinner as "themed" as I could. So I set out yesterday on a bunch of errands, hoping to get some ideas.

We happened to have a gift card to Papa Murphys, a local take-home-and-bake-yourself pizza place. They also happened to be selling heart-shaped pizzas for Valentines Day.

Perfect! What is more "themed" than heart-shaped pizza?

We also celebrated with salad (with red tomatoes), and heart cookies.

And to drink, what's better than red Strawberry Daiquiris?

Oh, and Valentines Day themed paper plates and red napkins were involved as well.

Next on the list were gifts. Joel is always a hard person to buy gifts for to begin with. He never hints as to what he wants, he really has no hobbies, and in all reality, he has a lot already.

So, that left me with the lingering question of what to get him for Valentines Day.

After looking around and trying to think of something unique, I ended up with a stuffed monkey and a bag full of goodies (a movie, some chocolates, some of his favorite snacks, etc.). Not really unique, but something I figured he would enjoy.

So, Tommy and Terra came over, we cooked the pizzas, and began to play Dominoes.

And as we were sitting there playing, the doorbell rang.

Now let me back up and say that our doorbell hardly ever rings. Unless we are expecting someone, and aside from an occasional salesman, hardly anyone ever comes to our house. I knew it was too late for a salesman, and since everyone else I could think of was accounted for, I was puzzled as to who was at the door.

When Joel causally answered and I heard a group of peppy "hellos", I suddenly realized who it was.

Now, on a side note, let me take you back a couple of Valentines Days ago, to 2009 to be exact. We were both working a hockey game at the coliseum when my boss called for a little "group meeting." As we were all standing around, this group of high school kids came out of one of the rooms singing love songs. Joel had arranged for this group to come, and in front of everyone, they sang to me.

Embarassing? Yes.

So, back to my story, you can probably now imagine who was at the door.

Yes, it was none other than the Kamiakin High School choir.

Terra and I were told to sit in the middle, and once again, they began singing.

After two songs, they left. And had I known people were coming, I probably would have dressed up for the occasion a bit more as well.

But after some laughing and Joel being awfully proud of himself, we got back to our game.

An hour later; however, the doorbell rang again.

This time I had a feeling of what was coming. And sure enough, this thing came through the door . . .

This pink gorilla has visited me before. It's actually kind of an ongoing joke . . . Joel sent it to me for our first Valentines Day together (a month after we had started dating), and again two years ago while I was at work at the hospital. Even at that, it still surprises me every time.

I'm pretty sure it gets uglier and creepier every time as well.

But regardless, it's the thought that counts, right?

So after all was said and done, I have to say that Joel never ceases to surprise me. Between the flowers, the choir, and the monkey, my Valentines Day was quite the eventful one. In the end, we were left with this . . .

I hope everyone else had as great of a Valentines Day as we did!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA! I wish I could have been there to see that...that's some funny stuff! Nice job Joel.

    Oh, and nice sweatshirt by the way. It looks pretty familiar.
