Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cruise to Mexico . . . Towel Animals

This will be the last post about our cruise.

I promise.

You are probably getting fairly sick of reading about it by now, and I don't really blame you.

Plus, I know you are all waiting very patiently for some wedding pictures. They are coming, I promise.

Just give me a bit to try to figure out how to make them into a little video / slide show (I honestly have no idea what I'm doing). There are way too many to post one by one.

But, to hold you over, I wanted to share with you what was probably one of the coolest things about our cruise.

The towel animals.

Yes, I have heard from other people that we would be getting some.

And yes, I've heard that they are cool.

But I don't think pictures do them much justice.

We sat and watched the guy make one one night, and it literally took him 10 seconds to put it together. It's crazy how quickly they can make something so boring look so cool!

So here you go, our parade of towel animals . . .

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