Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Story of Bugsy

For some reason I am not sure of, Joel seems to have a strange obsession with bugs.

It's a strange relationship . . . he seems to be slightly afraid, but interested at the same time.

So afraid, in fact, that our house has been sprayed I don't know how many times, as well as bug-bombed on a few occasions.

Don't get me wrong . . . I will fully admit that I am definately terrified of bugs myself, so the fact that he is so preventative about it is something I am very greatful for.

There is one thing; however, that I am not so greatful for.

His name is Bugsy.

So here's the story : One evening, Joel came in the house quite excited that he had found this 'bug' he had never seen before.

And after looking at it, I had definately never seen anything like it either.

Joel was extremely fascinated in this bug. He wouldn't leave it alone, and apparently decided that he didn't want this bug to go anywhere but our front porch.

So he made sure to watch it carefully . . .

And when the time was right, decided that he needed to kill it. Afterall, it may just get into our house.

So what is the best way to kill such a bug?

Clearly, it would be to pour some type of liquid on it.

And what type of liquid is most obvious as the best choice for the job?

Why, iced tea of course.

And once the bug was drowned, the door was quickly shut, just to ensure that the iced-tea drenched bug would not be able to get into the hosue.

And since then the bug, now known to us as 'Bugsy,' has been hanging out on our front porch.

I know it's strange, but afterall, it's always been Joel's random acts that make me love him the most.

At least there's never a dull moment around our house.

So there you go, the story of Bugsy . . . the bug.

And if you would like to see this nasty thing, here's a picture for you. I'm really not sure what Bugsy is, to tell you the truth. The majority seems to think he's a scorpion, but to me, he's just a nasty looking thing. So here's a fair warning . . . if you aren't a fan of bugs like myself, I would consider turning away at this point . . .


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