Sunday, October 17, 2010

Las Vegas Part 1: The Surprise

Let me introduce you to Debbie and Gregg Jones:
You see, when my mom and Debbie were younger (around middle-school to high-school age), they were inseperable.

I'm told they went everywhere together, did everything together, and in all reality, you could never find one without the other.

Truely best friends.

The unfortunate thing is that Debbie and Gregg do not live close. They are actually even almost all the way across the country, in Indianapolis Indiana. Because of this, my mom and Debbie had not seen each other for a couple of years . . .

. . . until last weekend that is.

You see, when I received an email from Debbie (sometimes facebook can be a convience) quite a few months ago, about how she was hoping to get together with my mom soon, I knew this Vegas trip would be the perfect opportunity.

Both friends were turning 50 in the same year, and afterall, you only turn 50 once, right?

So together, Debbie and I had been workin hard to put together the largest surprise I've worked on to date.

Have I mentioned, I absolutely love surprising people?

And let me tell you what a huge success it was!

First, the group of us met up with my mom and friends at a bar: minus Debbie and Gregg. After saying hello for a minute or two, the guests of honor made their appearance.

At first, my mom had no idea who had come up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder . . .

But once she realized who this 'mysterious' person was, the tears started flowing . . . She was absolutely shocked.

The rest of the weekend was filled with catching up, good laughs, and just spending time together.

I'm glad I was able to surprise my mom so much, and I'm glad she enjoyed it!

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