Growing up, I watched quite a bit of television. In all honestly, I still do. . . I'm not really a movie person, and I'm trying to get more into reading, but I can almost always find something on tv that sparks my interest. Probably not the best and most productive way to pass my time, but hey. . .
I'll watch almost anything. I fully admit to calling myself a 'reality junkie,' comedy shows are entertaining, and drama's tend to fill our DVR as well (we are big Desperate Housewives fans).
But then there are what I consider my 'guilty pleasures.' Pretty much all of them are shows that I grew up watching, but I am slightly embarassed to admit to watching, as most 23 year old people don't tend to think twice about them anymore.
One show; however, I am not embarassed to admit that I truly enjoy. I would probably classify it as my favorite tv show of all time, and it probably will forever hold that title.
Those of you who know me well can probably guess what this show is. I own every season on DVD, and do still watch them occasionally.
I know that this show airs multiple times a day, on multiple different channels.
Still not sure?
I'll watch almost anything. I fully admit to calling myself a 'reality junkie,' comedy shows are entertaining, and drama's tend to fill our DVR as well (we are big Desperate Housewives fans).
But then there are what I consider my 'guilty pleasures.' Pretty much all of them are shows that I grew up watching, but I am slightly embarassed to admit to watching, as most 23 year old people don't tend to think twice about them anymore.
One show; however, I am not embarassed to admit that I truly enjoy. I would probably classify it as my favorite tv show of all time, and it probably will forever hold that title.
Those of you who know me well can probably guess what this show is. I own every season on DVD, and do still watch them occasionally.
I know that this show airs multiple times a day, on multiple different channels.
Still not sure?

Full House
Yes, I admit that Full House is my favorite show of all time. I know every episode, and can normally identify it within a few seconds of it beginning. I could probably score fairly high on a trivia test. I could probably even quote half of the episodes.
I'm honestly not sure what it is about the show, but I've always loved it. I love stepping into the lives of DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle, and to day-dream about living in their 'perfect' family. When their biggest dilemma is how to cover up a broken nose for a school picture, starting kindergarden for the first time, or which family member to bring to a beach boys concert.
So now you know, a random fact about me: when I have nothing productive to do, or cannot find anything else to watch, you will probably find me sitting here, re-living my childhood days with a good old episode of Full House.
AMAZING show! And a little Doug of course : ]