It has been going on 5 months, 3 days, 10 hours since this blog was originally started. Started to keep track of the life of Joel and Nikki? Started to keep track of their wedding plans? It's hard to say why exactly this blog was started, but with only 32 posts throughout 2010 we have all seen the comments:
I keep checking your blog every week or so and - no updates?
So, why such a long pause between updates. Life doesn't take a break, and as the sub title of this blog states, "together we go: Where we stop, nobody knows". I must say that so many have requested more and more updates from this blog. Although, if you think about it, we are averaging roughly a blog post a week or more! We are on a roll. They have gone down hill a bit though, if you compare how many posts towards the beginning of the year to how many posts have been placed in June, then numbers did dwindle a little.
I am not here to take the fame away from Kelsey Rene, I'm sure she'd love to have her post continue to be the most recent, but it is time for yet another update. I felt this update might have been too soon, but then I realized, nothing is too soon when people are asking for updates on your blog. It started with Krista and then Tommy and many others. Tommy said a few weeks back after helping lay sod that he couldn't wait to check out the online blog to see pictures of the backyard and to see what pictures he might be in... Sometimes I wonder if people check our blog or facebook accounts to just see themselves in the pictures. Hrm.
I do feel this blog is a little more private than on Facebook. Facebook being ever so growing, everyone is a friend with everyone else and is networked in someway or another. I really wanted to see pictures of someone who had a private profile, I couldn't see their pictures without becoming their friend and I honestly did not want to become their friend, either. Although, since I am facebook friends with one of their friends when my facebook friend commented on and was tagged in pictures on that user's pictures; I was successfully able to see those pictures and comments. This just goes to show that even though your facebook may be locked down and secure, those friends who are friends with your friends are now your friends and you don't realize it, but those friends of friends are seeing pictures of you and your friends. Wow... I just tried reading that last line out loud three times fast!

Back to my point, this blog is a little more secure than Facebook. There are options for us to block it to where you have to be accepted to read it, but at least only those who tend to know about it are the ones who tend to read it. Those who comment are the avid readers and those who comment to our face are the ones who read only to see if they are mentioned in the blogs. Those who ask to be written about in the blog should really just create their own blogs! I've never thought about having my own blog until this year, it seems like a busy year with the upcoming wedding and so much more. I can't believe time is flying by, too. It seems like yesterday that we were in the piano bar (see pictures in blog post #1).
This blog is called The Game of Life, I sometimes wondered why it ended up getting called this. Although, posting this blog post I realize now that there is so much to life, but how little we spend thinking about it. Life zips right by us as we tend to perform the same routines on a daily basis, get up, shower, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, then start it all over again. If you compare life to the board game, its so true on how quickly you can whip right through life.

Wrapping this blog post up, I am not sure how I got off on a few different paragraphs of a whole lot of "blah". I am once again posting this post to show that we do update this blog, it's not just about wedding planning, the life of Joel and Nikki, or to display pictures of our sod. This is to bring out those anonymous "commenters" and to put a blog post about them, too once in a while! It's those who comment that love us the most and those who comment that help us realize what the big picture in the game of life is all about. This is my first post, I have primarily been one of those anonymous readers, never a poster, and never a "commenter". I wanted to write my own blog post and maybe keep some folks updated through this wonderful means of communication. Perhaps you'll never need to talk to me again if I just update everyone via blogspot. Hrm! I could spend so much more time working on other tasks if I just updated and communicated with folks through blogspot. I hope you enjoyed my first blog post on our blogspot!
- Joel