So yesterday I did something I thought I would never do.
I signed up to run a half marathon.
That's 13 miles.
Now, some would say 'oh, not a big deal.' But to me, this is a big deal. HUGE in fact.
You see, I am not a runner. In all reality, I am probably the farthest thing from a runner you've ever met. I can't run a mile, and don't know that I've ever been able to. I honestly hate running. I always said if you want to find a way to competly torture me, make me run.
Today, I went for my first 'run.' My lovely cousin Sarah and I stepped outside, and started with some walking. We eneded up running probably a half mile total, with some running and walking mixed together. While I kept questioning myself the entire time, now that I'm sitting here and not panting anymore, I feel really good. I think the first day is the hardest, and I got through it.
You're probably confused at this point, wondering why the heck I'm wasting my time doing something I hate. The answer: because I want to prove to myself that I can. This is something that I've never dreamed I would be able to do, so for me to be able to say 'I'm working to run a half marathon' is a big thing. A few people I've told about this have looked at me like I'm crazy. Some have even flat out told me I won't be able to. That motivation alone is pushing me to be able to say 'I can do this.'
I won't lie: the fact that I will be wearing a wedding dress in front of 250+ people in 7 months is also pushing me a little bit too.
So, I'm going to get my running shoes on, and work as hard as I can to get this done. It's going to be tough, and I will probably be questioning my decision on a daily basis, but I'm determined. If I can do this, anyone can.
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