Cutting my hair has been one of those situations to see this in its prime. Since I have cut it (which was well over a few months ago) I have, and am still getting, very mixed opinions on the matter.
Generally, the census seems to be that people really like it.
For a while, and even still occasionally, I get comments from random people about how much they like it.
I would get comments at the grocery store.
At work.
And even in the Toyota Center bathroom.
This is in addition to multiple people I do know telling me how they like it.
I appreciate these positive comments.
Then you have the people that respond to the change with, "oh wow, you cut your hair."
What does that really mean, anyway? It's not like they are telling me something I didn't know: afterall, I was there when it happened.
Then there are the people that are obviously not such big fans.
Take the patient at work the other night, for example, who stopped all conversation and started laughing every time I walked into the room.
How do I know she was laughing at my hair, you ask?
Well, the comment made by her significant other of "I really love your hair" seemed about as sarcastic as I've heard them.
Or take the small boy who was walking by with his parents, and screamed "that lady has weird hair!" As his parents were quickly hushing him, I couldn't help but laugh.
Afterall, to a small boy, perhaps I do resemble something like a porcupine.
But regardless, it doesn't really matter to me. I love my hair.
I appreciate the positive comments, and just have to laugh at the negative ones.
Afterall, everyone is going to have their own opinion, right?
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