Friday, September 9, 2011

Catching Up . . .

Wow! A couple people have recently reminded me how much slacking I have been doing here, but I suppose I hadn't truely realized it had been that long! I suppose that shows how fast life has been passing by . . .

It's hard to believe it's September already, and that the holiday season is, again, quickly approaching. And trust me, I am ecstatic about this, as I'm sure you all know how excited I get during this time of the year. But I won't bore you with that rant again :)

So for now, let me update you with some things that we have been up to recently. Most will soon be followed by some more detailed posts, but here's the jist of things in the Cline household:

As you probably know at this point, we went to Vegas at the end of July to celebrate Kelsey turning 21. We had a fantastic week, and were happy to celebrate with my mom, dad, good friend Jen, sister-in-law Krista, brother-in-law Kyle, and good friend Judy. We also had a pleasant surprise of Joel's parents joining us for part of the time as well. Like I say, we had a wonderful time, and I look forward to the next trip with this awesome group of people. There will definately be more to follow about this . . . trust me, I have way too many good pictures to let slide by.

After some time in Vegas, we headed to Clovis, CA to celebrate my cousin Alex's wedding. It was great to see mostly everyone (we missed those who weren't there!), and on top of it all it was a lot of fun to attend our first wedding since our own! (I think . . .) Again, more to come on this.

Once we returned, it was amazingly August already. I can't tell you many specific things we did to tell you the truth, but I can tell you that the month was filled with time spent with good friends, baseball games, spending time on the boat, a trip to the local fair and rodeo (so much fun!), working (of course!), and a friend's wedding (congrats to Brian and Stephanie!). Overall a fun and busy month!

And now we find ourselves in September. It's only nine days into the month, but we have already been to a wedding (congrats John and Cianna!), multiple baseball games, celebrated the first pre-season hockey game, and I've traveled to Spokane with a friend for a class (work-related). Looks like things aren't slowing down anytime soon . . .

I'm sure I have so much more to say, but for now this will do. I will be back to the blogging world . . . I enjoy keeping everyone updated (if anyone is still reading!), and plus I've noticed that I haven't been taking nearly as many pictures when I won't be blogging about certain events. And of course, we can't have this . . .

So thanks for stickin' with me!

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