Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Few Random Thoughts For The Day . . .

** I am amazed at how sunny it has been day after day, while I continue to read about how much snow others are still fighting.

** I have recently made it my goal to collect as many Disney movies on DVD as possible . . . eventually I would like my future children to enjoy them as much as I did growing up. I haven't made too much progress, but do now own a few.

** I think I'm allergic to my wedding ring, which is unfortunate.

** I'm obsessed with Crystal Light iced tea mix, and prefer raspberry or peach tea.

** Speaking of peaches, those are my favorite fruit, and cannot wait for them to come into season.

** As well as corn on the cob.

** I had some terrible, freaky, and weird dreams last night . . . I do not enjoy dreaming about people being shot, me shooting people, and bad experiences at work. Bummer.

** I think I've discovered that Westin is not a big fan of balloons.

** I'm hoping that my new couch comes very soon . . . twelve weeks seems like forever.

** My parents leave in about a week to fly to Vegas to see Bon Jovi. Jealous? I am.

** And finally, happy birthday today to my sister-in-law, Krista!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!

    Thanks for the shirt, necklace and earrings! I love them. I wore the shirt today to work :).
