Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Story About A Tree . . .

At the beginning of the season, I was having a debate with myself.

This year for Christmas, should we get a real Christmas tree, or go with the fake one again?

You see, I never grew up with real trees. My dad was, and still is I suppose, very allergic to Christmas trees. Because of this, we always settled for a fake tree. Not that it was a bad thing, but just how it always was.

The past few years, while in our apartment, we stuck with the fake tree theme, and had a small one. It was about 5 feet tall, and did the job for the tiny apartment.
But this year . . . this year was different. I had much bigger ideas.

I knew I was going to go all out on the Christmas thing. Call me crazy, but we all know how much I am obsessed with Christmas. This time I had a much bigger space to decorate, so I was going to go for it.

I had one dilemma; however. That tiny tree from our apartment wasn't going to any justice in our much bigger family room.
So the dilemma . . . should we go out and buy a new fake tree from the beginning, or should we try the real tree thing this year. . . ? Afterall, perhaps this would be the first year I could have a real Christmas tree in my house.

Long story short, I went back and forth. I finally decided that I needed to put the tree up a little too early in the month, and honestly knew that it might take me a little longer to get it down this year (if we were on a honeymoon and all). A real tree just wouldn't last this long.

So we made our minds up, and a fake tree it was. We found a great deal at Costco, and before I knew it we had a 9 foot tall Christmas tree!
And let me tell you, I abolutely love our Christmas tree. I definately think we went with the right choice.
I know the picture doesn't do it much justice, and is a little blurry. I have discovered it is actually kind of tricky to capture the beauty of a lit tree in a picture. I plan to keep working at it though, to give you the full effect.
But regardless, I sit here daily and admire my gigantic Christmas tree. As I said before, Christmas has definately settled itself in this household.

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